

Naturopathy is a blend of Traditional healing knowledge and skills combined with the modern day advantage of Science and evidence-based medicine combined to support the whole person on their healing journey.

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Australian Bush Flower Essences

Australian Bush Flower Essences

Australian Bush Flower Essences, help to balancing and harmonising overall wellbeing. They are safe and suitable for children and animals too.
I work with adult, children and all types of animals and have found great results when using Flower essences to support healing outcomes. Consults can be also done online or over the phone.

Equine, Animal & Nature Assisted Learning, Growth and Healing

Equine, Animal & Nature Assisted Learning, Growth and Healing

Animal, Equine and Nature Assisted Learning, Growth and Healing Sessions will be available for private consults and homeschool groups in 2024.

Holistic Counselling

Holistic Counselling

Master Holistic Counselling will be available in 2024. Holistic counselling is a unique form of counselling, focused on a person in their entirety. It considers physiological and psychological disorders as parts of a greater whole, and regards the mind, body, and spirit as fundamentally interconnected. The aim is to empower a client to discover and access their own inner wisdom and healing capacity.